Hail & Dent Repair

Auto Hail & Paintless Dent Repair in Pueblo, CO Locations.

Pro-Masters Auto Collision & Hail Center in Pueblo and Pro-Masters Auto Hail Center in offer a number of specialized auto dent repair services that address unique issues, such as automotive hail damage. For many people, their car is a source of pride and joy, as well as their daily transportation, which means they truly care about its appearance.

If this describes you, and you’re lamenting the dings and dents your car has suffered, come see us for paintless dent repair or automotive hail damage repair in Pueblo, Colorado.  We will have you back on the road in a great looking vehicle in no time!

Hail Damage Repair

Getting caught in a hail storm can be devastating for a vehicle. If your car has suffered many dings across its body due to hail, come see the experts at one of our three locations. Our technicians use a variety of tactics, including paintless dent repair, to repair hail car damage. No matter how many dings your car suffered, Our hail dent repair team can make it look as if it just left the showroom floor. Please give us a call to learn more about our automotive hail damage repair services or to schedule an appointment for superior service.

Paintless Dent Repair Services (PDR)

Paintless Dent Repair, or PDR, is an eco-friendly and safe process that can remove certain types of dents from specific areas of a vehicle without heating, sanding, painting or using body filler. This process requires specialized PDR tools that allow our technicians to massage the metal of your vehicle until it is restored to its original form. When we are done, your vehicle will look brand new! This service doesn’t fix every type of dent but is a recommended auto body repair service for dings, dents and hail damage that haven’t caused issues with the vehicle’s finish.

Checkout State Farm’s article and video on how paintless dent repair works



Before and After Photos

Ding, Dent, and Scratch Repair

A scratch, ding or dent not only looks terrible, but it may be hiding bigger problems. Allowing our professional technicians to repair minor auto body damage will ensure that rust isn’t given a chance to set in or that a small dent isn’t covering bigger issues below the skin. We will also take the time to analyze the impact area and make sure no mechanical issues are present. Our shop are fully equipped with all the necessary auto body repair tools to fix car scratches and car dents of all shapes and sizes. Give us a call or stop by our local dent repair shop, we’d be happy to discuss your options for car scratch repair or dent pulling.

Auto Rust Repair

If your car is being taken over by rust, come see us right away. Our skilled car rust repair technicians can conduct a number of restorative services to prevent further damage. Automotive rust repair is necessary to prevent issues from getting worse. Left unaddressed, rust could hinder the structural integrity of your car, making it unsafe to drive.

Our nearby auto body repair shop provides comprehensive services to address a number of common and uncommon issues. No matter what you drive, or what type of damage your car has suffered, we can fix it! Whether your vehicle requires complete automotive reconstruction following a wreck or just needs a ding or two removed after a hail storm using paintless dent repair in Colorado, our team is ready to help. 

Give us a call in Pueblo at 719-782-7919  to schedule an appointment or to request an estimate.